可持续性, partnerships, alliances and recognition

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当澳门葡京赌博游戏走到一起, we can transform the delivery of healthcare to become more resilient, 公平和净零.

Creating sustainable healthcare and a sustainable planet for all requires collaboration. No organisation, government, or institution can do it alone. 通过公私伙伴关系,澳门葡京赌博游戏可以在全球范围内快速、大规模地提供创新.

作为一家全球性组织,澳门葡京赌博游戏有责任发挥领导作用,澳门葡京赌博游戏致力于利用澳门葡京赌博游戏的能力和承诺,帮助解决社会面临的一些最大挑战,包括气候变化, 生物多样性丧失, 获得医疗保健或卫生公平. We work closely with a broad range of organisations, 通过企业和非政府组织(NGO)联盟,建立私营部门和公共部门的合作,启动新的项目,以实现共同的目标.

Partnership for Health System 可持续性 and Resilience

The Partnership for Health System 可持续性 and Resilience (PHSSR)是一个非营利组织, 多国, cross-sector collaboration launched in 2020 by the London School of Economics (LSE), 世界经济论坛(WEF)和澳门葡京网赌游戏公司, 有一个统一的目标,即通过建立更具可持续性和抵御力的卫生系统来改善全球卫生. The partnership has since been joined by other members including Philips, KPMG, 亚太复原力和创新中心(CAPRI)和世界卫生组织(世卫组织)基金会以及区域和国家一级的其他组织. 该伙伴关系的影响范围遍及全球,目前在全球30多个国家开展活动.

With collective expertise spanning health research, 政策与创新, PHSSR已经建成, 并继续扩大关于全球卫生系统可持续性和复原力的最大工作机构之一. 卫生和社会安全战略正在动员全球领导人,并与国家利益攸关方合作,推动重点干预措施和政策变革. In 2023, PHSSR engaged with over 40 national and multilateral platforms and events, 包括世界卫生大会, the World Health Summit and at the European Parliament.

可持续市场倡议 and Terra的法令

澳门葡京赌博游戏是联合国的创始成员之一 可持续市场倡议 (SMI)的早期支持者 Terra的法令.

通过可持续市场倡议 卫生系统工作队, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在整个卫生保健部门开展合作,以加速实现净零卫生系统. In 2023, the 卫生系统工作队 continued to take joint, scalable action to accelerate the delivery of net zero healthcare, with a focus on four priority areas: Supply Chain; Patient Care Pathways; Digital Healthcare; and Consumer Health & Wellbeing.

在COP26上正式启动, the 卫生系统工作队 is chaired by our Chief Executive Officer, 帕斯卡Soriot, at the invitation of His Majesty King Charles III, in his former role as His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. The Task Force brings together CEOs or equivalents from global life sciences, 卫生保健系统, multilateral and policy institutions and academia. 

The Terra的法令 is the guiding mandate for the 可持续市场倡议, providing a proposed set of principles to 2030 that puts Nature, 人类与地球 at the heart of global value creation.


澳门葡京赌博游戏与世界经济论坛(WEF)建立了多年的战略伙伴关系,与公众进行有意义的接触, private and philanthropic stakeholders and build impactful initiatives. 通过这种伙伴关系, 澳门葡京赌博游戏在共同的可持续性和加强卫生系统目标方面共同取得了进展. 

For example, our Chief Executive Officer, 帕斯卡Soriot, is a member of WEF’s 首席执行官气候领袖联盟, which drives bold climate action and accelerates the net zero transition. Through our AZ Forest 倡议,澳门葡京赌博游戏也是世界经济论坛的成员 1T.org; a platform committed to helping conserve, restore and grow one trillion trees by 2030.

2021年,澳门葡京赌博游戏加入世界经济论坛 为商业中的种族公正而合作 联盟的创始伙伴,以帮助建立新的全球标准,种族平等的商业. 与此相关,澳门葡京赌博游戏也是其中的一员 全球卫生公平网络, 其目的是动员跨部门和跨地区的行动,在组织战略和宗旨中优先考虑卫生公平行动.

Highlights from our sustainability partnerships



在2022年,澳门葡京赌博游戏被评为 top-three global pharmaceutical companies in the 获取药物索引 (AtMI), 获取药物基金会每两年发表一份报告,评估20个制药组织在开发和制造某些药物方面的贡献, vaccines, and diagnostics more accessible for people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). 这是澳门葡京赌博游戏迄今为止在AtMI的最高排名, reflecting our commitment to driving equitable access to sustainable, 人人享有创新医疗保健.

CDP: Climate Change, Water Security and Forests

在2023年,澳门葡京赌博游戏被评为 double-A- 气候变化和水安全, and BBB for Forests from the global environmental impact non-profit CDP. We are recognised for the actions we are taking to cut emissions, 减轻气候风险, 参与澳门葡京赌博游戏的供应链, 履行水资源管理职责.


In April 2023, we were listed as the top pharmaceutical company in the third edition of the Financial Times’ ‘Europe’s Climate Leaders’ list 排名第32位nd 在500家公司中. 气候领袖榜单由英国《澳门葡京赌博游戏》与Statista合作编制,根据2016年至2021年温室气体排放强度的减少情况和第3类排放的透明度,对欧洲各地的公司进行排名.


2023年10月,澳门葡京赌博游戏被列为 福布斯全球最适合女性的公司 and ranked 61st out of the 400 top companies included overall. The list was compiled by Forbes in partnership with Statista. 要创建列表, 大约有70,000 women for multinational corporations across 37 countries were surveyed.


在2023年,澳门葡京赌博游戏获得了AA级 MSCI ESG评级 连续第五年的评估, described as a leader among 270 companies in the pharmaceuticals industry.


We were an early supporter of the United Nations-backed 逐零竞赛, 这是一项将企业聚集在一起的全球运动, cities, investors and wider stakeholders to deliver a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, 创造体面的工作, 并解锁包容性, 可持续增长.

RE100, EV100 & EP100

澳门葡京赌博游戏是第一家签署以下三项气候组织倡议的制药公司:到2025年底,澳门葡京赌博游戏将减少绝对能源使用量,并将能源生产率提高一倍(EP100); we will use 100% renewable energy for electricity (RE100) and heat; and we will maximise our transition to EVs in our road fleet (EV100).


Our emission reduction targets have been verified by the 科学减排倡议(SBTi) and we were one of the first seven companies worldwide to have our net zero, science-based Scope 1-3 targets verified under their new Net-Zero Corporate Standard.


In 2023, 澳门葡京赌博游戏再次被纳入道琼斯可持续发展指数(DJSI)全球和欧洲指数. DJSI is the longest standing, global sustainability benchmark system.

《澳门葡京赌博游戏》 and Business Benchmark Report

在全球儿童论坛 《澳门葡京赌博游戏》 & 商业基准报告2023年,澳门葡京赌博游戏被评为“成就者”,在医疗保健领域排名第三(2021年:第五)。. 与波士顿咨询集团合作, 全球儿童论坛评估了世界上最具影响力的公司如何在其业务中优先考虑儿童权利, 利用公开信息.

Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

We are an 早期采用者 与自然有关的财务披露专责小组的建议. 这意味着从2025年起,澳门葡京赌博游戏将公开与自然相关的依赖关系、风险和机遇.


澳门葡京赌博游戏的首席执行官帕斯卡尔·苏里奥是由 TIME100气候 as one of the world’s most influential leaders driving climate action in business. 在帕斯卡的领导下,私营部门在应对气候危机方面可以发挥关键作用, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在加速实现净零排放, 弹性和公平的医疗保健, 通过协作和创新.


澳门葡京赌博游戏是…的成员 UHC2030, 致力于通过加强卫生系统加快实现全民健康覆盖的进展.